Friday, June 19, 2015

Final Survey Blog post

1.I am trying to understand how athlete value their nutrition in order to help them succeed. 2. They helped me realize how many males vs females play sports and how many sports both genders play 3. I would add helpful nutritional tips at the bottom of the survey as a thank you to the people for completing the survey 4. I think overall our survey wasn't gender specific the main demographic questions were just about age and gender to see who they correlated with number of sports played and such. We tried to make the survey able to be portrayed to everyone, and I think that is why our was so successful. 5. Question 4 told me the most because it showed me how many people care about their nutrition but also how their nutrition affects the way the play and compete. It was able to give me a good idea of how many people understand that playing and nutrition have a lot of correlation. 6. The summary I give about the results are that many athletes have a good understanding about nutrition but they need more explanation on how eating the healthy correct foods pre,during,and post game will help their over all performance. I think that because of this survey we were able to make people somewhat understand how important nutrition is and the benefit on eating and hydrating properly. 7. I liked that this project was fun and informational at the same time. I benefitted from other's surveys and learned about their topics, but also people benefitted from my survey and I liked that the most,

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